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“八一勋章”获得者杜富国:忠诚使命 逐梦前行

发布日期:2023-01-18   来源:   点击量:

为深入学习贯彻党的二十大精神,加强支部思想建设,学生第一党支部充分发挥专业优势,响应号召举办了此次“八一勋章”获得者杜富国:忠诚使命 逐梦前行”党建翻译活动,探索“党建+专业”学习新模式。


【In June 2015, Du Fuguo volunteered to participate in the China-Vietnam border minesweeping task, more than 3 years in a total of more than 1,000 times in and out of the minefield, to remove mines and explosives more than 2,400. October 11, 2018, in the demining operations, in the face of a partially exposed ground aggravated grenade, he said to his comrades in the same group: "You stand back, let me do it! " When he went up alone to find out the situation, the grenade suddenly exploded. In a moment of life and death, Du Fuguo used his body to protect his comrades behind him, but he lost both hands and eyes. After being injured, Du Fuguo had several surgeries and left nearly 70 scars all over his body, but he always remained optimistic and in high spirits, insisting on practicing announcing every day, becoming a public address announcer for the Army WeChat in the war zone, and going to Beijing University, the Army Border and Coastal Defense Academy and other military units for more than 30 times to inspire more dreamers of the new era to go forward. Not long ago, Du Fuguo was awarded the "the August 1 Medal".】


【On the minefield, Du Fuguo took on the responsibility with extraordinary courage and gave his life to protect his comrades in arms at the critical moment of life and death; After he was injured, he overcame the pain with tenacious will and proved to everyone that "I can do it" with continued struggle. When a nurse saw Du Fuguo for the first time, her nose was sore: How can she live in the future when she is in her 20s and has suffered such a serious injury? Du Fuguo said, "Although I have no hands, I still have legs and can continue to run for my dream. Although I lose the light, as long as the sun rises in my heart, my world is still colorful."】


【Have faith in your heart and courage in your feet. On the path of life, there are level rivers and mountains, sluggish currents and perilous shoals, beautiful days and storms. Despite losing his hands and sight, Du Fuguo remains the focused, tenacious, upbeat, and enthusiastic young soldier. From adopting the mindset of charging into every rehabilitative exercise to actively practicing Mandarin through voice and enunciation to becoming a military radio broadcaster to graduating from Guizhou University's Adult Higher Education Administration to continuing to chase aspirations, Du Fuguo has surmounted challenges, endured hardship, attained self-reliance and self-improvement, and created a spiritual monument of revolutionary soldiers via his persistence, fortitude, and strong character in new era.】


【"Safety and danger are not contrary to one's ambition, and danger is not easy to change one's heart." Du Fuguo braved the minefield for the benefit of the people, shed blood for the peace of the border, and sacrificed himself for the safety of his comrades in arms. With the mission of "let me come", he wrote the glory of revolutionary soldiers in the new era. In times of peace, tests are still everywhere. From Du Fuguo, who is fearless of hardship and life and death, to Zhang Chao, a carrier based fighter pilot who died heroically to save the fighter plane, to Chen Xiangrong, who made every effort to protect the territory of the motherland and left behind a deep confession of "clear love for China only"... In the face of tasks and critical moments, they have the courage to contribute everything to the Party and the people, which has become a vivid portrayal of the people's military's bloody courage, It is also the epitome of the times when thousands of people's soldiers are loyal, responsible and brave.】


【At any time, the will quality of revolutionary soldiers cannot be weakened. To be invincible without going ahead, a soldier must be bloody. When the Party and the people need it, and when the country's territorial sovereignty, security and development interests are threatened, soldiers must have the faith that they can fight and win, and the courage to "fear neither hardship nor death" to charge at the forefront. On the way forward, the broad masses of people's soldiers will maintain the high morale of revolutionary heroism and forge their courage in the fiery practice of building a strong military, which will surely bring together the great power to realize the Chinese dream of building a strong military.】



(翻译:学生第一党支部 刘泓轩 席文菲 黄显苗 刘利欣 谭泽宇
